Coastside Hope
99 Ave Alhambra, El Granada, CA 94018 Most popular places at this
Coastside Hope’s client base comprises about 15% of the population of the mid-coast and includes: the working poor, the homeless, seniors living below the poverty level, the disabled, and families and/or individuals in crisis.
Coastside Hope serves people of all ages, from infants to senior citizens.
Employed clients typically work in farming, nurseries, hotels and restaurants, construction, domestic services and commercial fishing.
On-going services include:
- Crisis Intervention and Case Management
- Emergency and Supplemental Food Pantry
- Emergency Shelter Referrals
- Online Food Stamp Applications (CALFRESH)
- Health Insurance Assistance
- Rental and Utility Assistance
- Low Income Tax Preparation (Feb-Apr)
- Twice-Monthly Senior Brown Bag Supplemental Food Distribution
- Once-Monthly Family Harvest Supplemental Food Distribution
- Thanksgiving Turkey and Warm Clothing Distribution
- Adopt A Family clothing program
- Special Delivery Monthly Household Goods Program
- Forms Assistance (Unemployment, SDI, etc.)
- Immigration Assistance
- Citizenship Classes
- Translation and paperwork assistance
- Referrals – if they can’t help you, they will do their best to find someone that can.
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