San Mateo County
Resources Page
Welcome to Our Housing Resources Page!
Whether you’re looking for affordable housing, need help with rent or utilities, or are navigating homeownership opportunities, we are here to provide the information and support you need.
Please use this page to find housing options, assistance programs, or other available housing resources in San Mateo County.

Resource Categories
Know what you’re looking for? Click one of these options to view service providers near you.
Attention: Housing Opportunity Available in Millbrae
The City of Millbrae, in partnership with Bay Area Affordable Homeownership Alliance (BAAHA), is selling a Below-Market-Rate Condominium for $518,000.

Quick Links
Where can I find information on accessing housing and homeless services in San Mateo County?
San Mateo Core Services Agencies
Core Service Agencies provide safety net services to San Mateo County residents in need of food, emergency housing assistance, emergency utility assistance, shelter and other basic needs.
Programs are administered/operated at the local level. To learn more about accessing housing and homeless services in your community, please contact the local Homeless Continuum of Care or County Welfare Department.
Where can I apply for social services benefits in San Mateo County?
San Mateo County Department of Social Services
Apply for benefits using San Mateo County Human Services, or call the toll free number to get in touch with your nearest location: (800) 223-8383
Who Can I Contact for Legal Assistance in the Event of an Eviction, Foreclosure, and Discrimination Issues?
Project Sentinel
Project Sentinel assists individuals with housing problems such as discrimination, mortgage foreclosure & delinquency, rental issues including repairs, deposits, privacy, dispute resolution, home buyer education, post purchase education and reverse mortgages. Click here to learn more.
Where can I get legal advice and counsel for civil matters in San Mateo County if I have a low income?
Legal Aid Society of San Mateo
Legal Aid Society provides legal advice and counsel on civil matters to low income individuals, families and groups. Legal Aid provides individual representation, community education, systemic advocacy and strategic collaborative approaches to address legal issues and resolve problems in important areas of basic need including health, housing, income and freedom from violence. Click here to learn more.
Is There Another Resource Page with More Available Services, such as Crisis Counseling or Employment Resources?
San Mateo County (SMC) Connect
Find community services in San Mateo County including food assistance, financial assistance, crisis services, health, employment, homeless services, emergency shelter, housing, legal and mediation services, mental health/counseling, senior services and more.
How can I get assistance with tenants' rights issues in California?
Call the California Statewide Tenants’ Rights Hotline at (888) 495-8020. Press the corresponding number to leave a voicemail in either English or Spanish – select the number that corresponds to the language that you would like to be called back in.
eligible to apply for downpayment assistance through HEART?
HEART First-time Homebuyer Program
HEART offers downpayment assistance available for first time buyers; participants must work or live in San Mateo county to qualify. You can click here to learn more.
Where Can I Find and Apply for Affordable Housing in San Mateo County?
Doorway Housing Portal
Doorway’s Housing Portal helps you find and apply for affordable housing in the Bay Area. Click here to find listings near you.

HEART meets critical housing needs in San Mateo County by providing land acquisition, rehabilitation, and early funding to affordable housing projects for low-income residents.
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