Dennis and Joann McEntire

Redwood City – we can afford it!

Joann and Dennis bought their dream home in Redwood City with help from HEART and MeriWest Mortgage …”better than an FHA loan and no PMI insurance….and we closed in 30 days over Christmas!” Find out if you qualify for HEART’s first time homebuyer program and read more….

Thank you to outgoing HEART Board Chair, Supervisor Rose Jacobs Gibson. Welcome Jack Matthews

HEART said farewell to Supervisor Rose Jacobs Gibson, HEART Board Chair from February 2009 through December 2012, and founding member of the organization. She is retiring from public office. San Mateo Councilmember Jack Matthews, who will become the new Chair in January, 2013, presented an engraved vase to her (for Roses!) at HEART’s December board meeting.