affordable rental housing

HEART is a community loan fund to create more affordable homes for all our residents

Before dawn I joined 244 other volunteers and homeless folks in San Mateo County to go count people living in the streets. We joined thousands across the county in conducting a bi-annual census of people without homes. Since I live in San Bruno and wanted to get to know my town and its residents better, I went to the Safe Harbor Shelter in South City for training and to meet my partner David Sharp, a resident of his Ford Taurus who lives at a local fast food parking lot at night in South City.

Peninsula Station affordable family homes open in San Mateo

HEART welcomed fifty guests and supporters to a breakfast and tour of the newly-opened Peninsula Station affordable rental homes in San Mateo. Developed by MidPen Housing, and located next to the Caltrain station on El Camino Real, across from Hillsdale Mall, the 68-unit development is a perfect example of high-density, transit-oriented housing.

Trestle Glen family housing, 119 homes near Colma BART, opens in May 2010

Bridge Housing, in partnership with the County of San Mateo, celebrated the grand opening of Trestle Glen family housing during Affordable Housing Week, on May 13, 2010. Trestle Glen features 119 one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments that are affordable to families with annual incomes ranging from $16,491 to $55,560 for a family of four (20 to 50% of Area Median Income, AMI). Rents range from $403 to $1,400 per month.

Breaking ground for Peninsula Station in San Mateo

On Thursday afternoon, 5/14/09, MidPen Housing celebrated the groundbreaking for Peninsula Station, a new development on El Camino Real in San Mateo, next to Borders Book and CalTrain. When completed in summer 2010, Pen Station will provide affordable rental homes for 68 working families.